Square Payments V2 (Checkout Champ builder set-up)


CheckoutChamp does not store any card details for merchants using Square's Payment Gateway.

Square will work for one-time and recurring purchases.

Using Square on your checkout will force all of your offers and upsells to run against your Square gateway.

How to Obtain Square Credentials

Step 1. Go here and login to the Square Developer Dashboard using your Square credentials

Step 2. Once logged into the Developer Dashboard click New Application

Step 3. Name and Create your Application, Doing so gives you complete API access for your Square merchant account.

Step 4 Once you have created your Application, Navigate to the Credentials Section.

Step 4a: Make sure to turn Sandbox Mode OFF.

Step 5. Once you have turned off Sandbox Mode you will be able to access your Application Id

Reference: Get Started

Step 6. Navigate to the Locations Section to uncover your LocationId

Gateway Setup

Step 1. Go to your funnel Settings >Payments

Step 2. Go to the Square Gateway

Step 3. If you have previously setup your Square gateway, then select it

Step 4. To add your Square gateway, press the button. Enter a Title and then your ApplicationID, AccessToken, and LocationId.

Step 5. Save the gateway setup

Step 6. Enter your Application ID and Location ID again below the Square Gateway

Step 7. Press Save & Continue

Checkout Page Setup

Step 1. Edit your checkout page

Step 2. Remove any card number, expiration date, and cvv elements from the page

Step 3. Go to Open Blocks > Forms

Step 4. Drag the Square Checkout element onto the page in the spot where the card information was removed

Step 5. Your checkout page should have a Square element on the page similar to this. When the live page loads this element will be replaced by Square card elements.

Step 6. Verify your checkout button is configured correctly. There is no special configuration needed for Square.

Step 7. Save your checkout page

Step 8. Exit the page builder

Step 9. Publish

Upsell Page Setup

Upsells work automatically with Square as the payment source on checkout pages. No additional work is required.

Last updated