Enabling and Setting Up the Avalara AvaTax Plugin
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Step 1
Activate the AvaTax plugin.
Click on the Admin section from the navigation sidebar.
Click on the Plugins page (Admin→Plugins)
Click on the Tax Services tab.
Click on the Avalara tile.
Click + Activate.
Step 2
Type in the required fields companyCode, licenseKey, and accountId that you received from Avalara.
Note: Username and Password may not always be required. Attempt an authorization without them then enter those fields if authentication fails.
Check calculateShippingTax to allow AvaTax to calculate an additional tax on the shipping cost.
Check commitTransactions to cause transactions to be marked as Committed in AvaTax.
Check includesAlcohol to calculate tax on alcoholic products. Enter the alcohol information on each product in CheckoutChamp.
Check doNotRecordFinal so transactions will not be committed and will not be marked as type "SalesInvoice". This will continue to return all tax calculations.
Check sendProductID to send the base product ID as the item code. Leave the box unchecked to send the campaign product ID.
Check taxIncludedInPrice to calculate VAT.
Enter an optional FriendlyName to differentiate multiple AvaTax plugins
Enter businessIdentificationNo to calculate taxes outside of USA and Canada. This is required to add other countries to a campaign.
Check excludeTestCards to not calculate tax on test orders
When finished click on the Connect button.
Note: Committed transactions will show in the reports created by AvaTax and will be included in the tax returns Avalara files for your company.
Step 3
Once you have enabled the plugin, click on the AvaTax plugin tile again and then click the blue Edit Icon to open the AvaTax: Advanced Setup page.
Step 4
On the AvaTax: Advanced Setup page, click the Test Credentials button to verify your credentials are correct.
A successful test will display your subscription information in a popup.
If the credentials are incorrect you will get a pop up box with an error message.
Note: After changing any credentials, you will need to click the blue "Update" button before testing again.
Step 5
You can also add a new Tax Exemption once you are on the AvaTax: Advanced Setup page by clicking on the green + button under Tax Exemptions Certificates.
Note: Tax Exemption is a monetary exemption which reduces taxable income. Tax exempt status can provide complete relief from taxes, reduced rates, or tax on only a portion of items.
Note: You can add as many Tax Exemptions as you want here.