Retention Report

The Retention Report is found under Reports → Customers → Retention

This report will show the cycle-by-cycle statistics for your recurring offers.

Use the Date Range and Filter selections to determine what the report will display data for.

This report always searches by Purchase Created Date. This means that the report will only display purchases that were initially created within the selected date range.

Filter Definitions
  • Campaign : Filter for purchases within a specific Campaign.

  • Campaign Category : Filter for purchases within a specific Campaign Category.

  • Product : Filter for purchases where a specific product was purchased.

  • Campaign Product : Filter for purchases where a specific campaign product was purchased.

  • Affiliate : Filter for purchases that came from a specific affiliate.

  • Call Center : Filter for purchases that came from a specific Call Center.

  • Agent : Filter for purchases that came from a specific Agent within your account.

  • Base Currency : Filter for purchases that were processed in a specific base currency.

  • Country : Filter for purchases that bought from a specific country.

  • Credit/Debit : Filter for purchases that used a Debit or Credit card.

  • Card Type : Filter for purchases that used a specific card type/brand.

  • 3DSecure : Filter for purchases that are Protected or Not Protected.

  • Max Cycle : Display data up to a specific cycle.

Click the green Search button once you have made your filter selections. Once a search is submitted, scroll down to view the charts and data tables.

The charts provide a visual representation of the cycle-by-cycle retention rate for the purchases that fit within the filters you’ve selected. You may select to view the chart as a bar graph or a line graph.

The table at the bottom of the page shows statistics for each cycle that has occurred for the filtered data. This table can be viewed By Campaign, By Source, By Call Center, or By Gateway

Table Definitions

By Campaign: See a breakdown of the data by campaign. This data can be further expanded by the products within the campaign by clicking on the green triangle next to the campaign name.

By Source: See a breakdown of the data by source (affiliate). This data can be further expanded by the PublisherId and SubAffiliateId under an affiliate by clicking on the green triangle next to the Affiliate’s name.

By Call Center: See a breakdown of the data by call center. This data can be further expanded by the agents within the Call Center by clicking on the green triangle next to the Affiliate’s name.

By Gateway: See a breakdown of the data based on the gateway used for the purchases.

By Product: See a breakdown of the data based on the base product of the purchases.

Retention Report Table and Header Definitions

Scroll to the right on the table to view data for every cycle that has elapsed for the filtered data.


  • Purchases : Total number of initial purchases started (There may be several purchases on a single order)

  • Orders : Number of approved and completed initial orders

  • Cancels : Number of purchases canceled within cycle 1

  • Chargebacks : Number of Chargebacks within cycle 1

  • Gross : Gross revenue generated within cycle 1

  • Partial Refund : $ amount of partial refunds issued on cycle 1

  • Full Refund : $ amount of full refunds issued on cycle 1

  • Expenses : Product Costs + Shipping Costs + Transaction Fees + Discount Rate Fees

  • Commissions : Main Offer Commissions (Step 1) + Upsell Commissions (Step 2) Paid to Affiliates

  • CPA(Cost per Acquisition) : (Total commissions for cycle)/(Total approvals for cycle)

  • Net : Net Revenue = Gross Revenue - Chargebacks - Refunds - Expenses - Commissions

Cycles 2+

  • Attempted : Number of purchases attempted within the billing cycle.

  • Approvals : Number of approvals in the billing cycle. This includes Recycle Saves.

  • Soft Declines : Number of soft declines in the billing cycle (Can be re-attempted/recycled)

  • Hard Declines : Number of hard declines in billing cycle (Ex. Stolen Card - Will not be re-attempted/recycled)

  • Pending : Purchases that have not billed yet for the billing cycle; Or Soft Declines set to be re-attempted through Recycle Billing.

  • Retention : Approvals / Initial Purchases

  • Approval % : Approvals / (Approvals + Soft Declines + Hard Declines)

  • Recycle Save : Number of purchases approved due to Recycle Billing. Recycle Saves are included in the approvals count in the cycle. Retention % for each recycle # is equal to: Saves / Initial Orders

  • Cancels : Number of purchases cancelled during the billing cycle.

  • Chargebacks : Number of chargebacks during the billing cycle.

  • Gross : Gross Revenue for the billing cycle.

  • Partial Refund : $ amount of partial refunds issued on the billing cycle.

  • Full Refund : $ amount of full refunds issued on the billing cycle.

  • Expenses : Product Costs + Shipping Costs + Transaction Fees + Discount Rate Fees for the billing cycle

  • Net : Gross Revenue - Chargebacks - Refunds - Expenses for the billing cycle


  • AVG LTV: Average Lifetime Value = (Total Net Revenue After All Cycles / Initial Purchases

  • Gross: Total Gross Revenue after all cycles

  • Net: Total Net Revenue after all cycles (Total Gross Revenue - Chargebacks Total - Refunds Total - Total Expenses - Total Commissions)

You can hover over any items in blue to see a further breakdown.



Product Costs and Shipping Costs are entered into the base product configuration.

Transaction Fees, Discount Fees, and Chargeback Fees are entered into the gateway configuration.

The system cannot calculate expenses if they are not added into the CRM. The example above shows that no product or shipping costs have been added to the base products, meaning the CRM was not able to calculate those values.

Recycle Breakdown

Attempt: Recycle Number Saves: Number of Approvals Through Recycle Ret%: Saves / Initial Orders


Not Billed Yet: Purchases that have not billed yet for the cycle The purchase is currently in a previous cycle and has an active or trial status and has not attempted to bill the cycle in question yet. This is often a trial extension to save a sale by customer service. In Recycle: Purchases currently set to re-attempt in Recycle Billing

Billing Breakdown

The Billing Breakdown, which pops up when you hover over the Approval % value, shows the results of billing for that cycle. The billing breakdown describes where a purchase landed/ended up for that cycle, and the breakdown will only display recycle numbers that purchases ended at.

Each purchase will only be counted once in the Billing Breakdown. The table shows a summary of the end results of billing for the purchases. The table does not show all transactions attempted!

The Recycle Attempts displayed on the table are dependent on the following:

  1. The amount of recycle attempts that are configured within the Recycle Billing profile(s).

  2. If a purchase’s final attempt occurred on a recycle attempt.

Ex) If you have 4 Recycle Billing attempts, but Recycle Attempt 3 does not have any successes nor any declines that would prevent further billings, then Recycle 3 will not display on the table.

In this example, there were 146 purchases that were attempted to be billed for this cycle.

69 purchases successfully billed on the initial rebilling attempt 4 purchases soft declined on the initial rebilling attempt and were not re-attempted 11 purchases hard declined on the initial rebilling attempt and were not re-attempted

(69 successes / 146 total purchases attempted to rebill for this cycle) X 100 = 47.26% initial approval rate

Recycle 1

10 purchases successfully billed on the 1st recycle billing attempt for this cycle 0 purchases soft declined on the 1st recycle billing attempt and were not re-attempted 9 purchases hard declined on the 1st recycle billing attempt and were not re-attempted

((69 initial successes + 10 recycle1 successes) / 146 total purchases attempted to rebill for this cycle) X 100 = 54.11% approval rate after 1st recycle billing attempt

Recycle 2

3 purchases successfully billed on the 2nd recycle billing attempt for this cycle 0 purchases soft declined on the 2nd recycle billing attempt and were not re-attempted 1 purchase hard declined on the 2nd recycle billing attempt and were not re-attempted

((69 initial successes + 10 recycle1 successes + 3 recycle2 successes) / 146 total purchases attempted to rebill for this cycle) X 100 = 56.16% approval rate after 2nd recycle billing attempt

Recycle 3

1 purchase successfully billed on the 3rd recycle billing attempt for this cycle 9 purchases soft declined on the 3rd recycle billing attempt and were not re-attempted 1 purchase hard declined on the 3rd recycle billing attempt and were not re-attempted

((69 initial successes + 10 recycle1 successes + 3 recycle2 successes + 1 recycle3 success) / 146 total purchases attempted to rebill for this cycle) X 100 = 56.85% approval rate after 3rd recycle billing attempt

Recycle 4

2 purchase successfully billed on the 4th recycle billing attempt for this cycle 25 purchases soft declined on the 4th recycle billing attempt and were not re-attempted 1 purchase hard declined on the 4th recycle billing attempt and were not re-attempted

((69 initial successes + 10 recycle1 successes + 3 recycle2 successes + 1 recycle3 success + 2 recycle4 successes) / 146 total purchases attempted to rebill for this cycle) X 100 = 58.22% approval rate after 4th recycle billing attempt


85 purchases successfully rebilled in total 38 purchases resulted in soft declines in total 22 purchases resulted in hard declines in total

85 + 38 + 22 = 146 = total number of purchases attempted to rebill for this cycle)

85 (successes) / 146 (attempted) X 100 = 58.22% Approval Rate

You can use the Continuity Report to view detailed information about purchases and/or check the Retention Report calculations. Useful filters include: Date Range Type, Status, Billing Cycle, Recycle #, and Last Decline Type.

  • Ex) To find purchases due to bill on cycle 3, use the filters on the Continuity Report to filter to Active purchases on cycle 2 (the last successful cycle billed for the purchase) with a Next Bill Date that reaches past your billing interval.

See the Transaction Details Report for detailed information about the individual transactions.

Use the Rebills Calendar on the Dashboard to easily see rebill results and scheduled billings.

Retention Rate Calculation Notes:

Please note that this report considers purchases in "pending" status into the retention calculation. A pending order is any order that is in a previous cycle, in an active status and has not attempted to bill the cycle in question yet. This is often a trial extension as a save a sale by customer service, or the customer’s rebill date hasn’t occurred yet for that particular cycle.

Our calculation removes the trial extensions from the divisor. So that the calculation becomes: retention = approved / (orders - pending). It's important to note that orders in a recycle status still count against you. Another way to break the equation down this way: retention = approved / (approved + declined + recycles + cancels), as it allows you greater visibility into different factors affecting your retention rate.

Retention Calculation Example for Cycle 2:

Total Purchases: 3544

cycle/2/approved: 2647

cycle/2/declined: 367

cycle/2/recycles: 32

cycle/2/pending: 4

cycle/1/cancels: 494 (always the previous cycle's cancels)

All those columns are available in the CSV export

Equation #1:

retention = approved / (orders - pending) = 2647 / (3544 - 4) = 0.74774

Equation #2:

retention = approved / (approved + declined + recycles + cancels) = 2647 / (2647 + 367 + 32 + 494) = 0.74774

Being able to express the retention rate both ways gives us a useful check to ensure our numbers are always accurate.

Last updated