Order Details

The Order Details Report is found under Reports → Customers → Order Details

This report is designed to show the individual orders that have been placed within your CRM.

Use the Date Range and Filter selections to refine your search.

Filter Definitions
  • Date Range : Use the defaulted date ranges or specific dates to find the orders.

  • Campaign : Filter for orders within a specific Campaign, or multiple campaigns.

  • Campaign Category : Filter for orders within a specific Campaign Category, or multiple Campaign Categories.

  • Product : Filter for orders where a specific product was purchased.

  • Product Category : Filters for orders where the products purchased were within a specific Product Category.

  • Campaign Product : Filter for orders where a specific campaign product was purchased.

  • Coupon Code : Filter for orders where a specific coupon code was used.

  • Affiliates : Filter for orders that came from a specific affiliate.

  • Call Center : Filter for orders that came from a specific Call Center.

  • Agent : Filter for orders that came from a specific Agent within your account.

  • Base Currency : Filter for orders that were processed in a specific base currency.

  • Order Status : Filter for orders in a specific order status.

  • Gateway : Filter for orders that were processed against a specific gateway.

  • Pay Source : Filter for orders that used a specific Pay Source.

  • Prepaid Cards : Filter for orders that used a Prepaid card.

  • 3DSecure : Filter for orders that are Protected or Not Protected.

  • Funnel : Filter for orders that came from a specific funnel.

Click the green Search button once you have made your filter selections. Once a search is submitted, scroll down to view the charts and data tables.

The charts provide a visual representation for the amount of Partials (Leads), Sales and Declines that fit within the filters you’ve selected. You may select to view the chart as a bar graph or a line graph.

  • Leads - the amount of Leads/Partials acquired during a specified date range.

  • Sales - the amount of Sales made in a specified date range.

  • Declines - the amount of Declined transactions in a specified date range.

The table at the bottom of the page shows the details of the filtered orders:

Order Details Table Header Definitions

  • Select : Click the Checkbox to include the order in a batch update.

  • Date Created : The date the order was made.

  • Campaign : The campaign the order was created under.

  • Source : The Affiliate that the order was created under.

  • Order : The orderId above the status of that order.

  • Type : New Sale or Recurring.

  • Cust # : The internal CheckoutChamp customer Id.

  • Customer : The name of the customer.

  • Total : The total amount of the order.

  • Refunded : The amount refunded or voided.

  • Products : The products purchased under the order.

  • Country : ISO-2 Country Code.

  • Card : The last four digits and type of the card used for the order.

Last updated