Form Code Integration

Under CRM | Campaigns, Edit a Campaign of Type: Lander:

Under the Landing Page section, click Create Page:

Use the dialog to create a lander:

- Lander Type - Single Product: One offer with Upsales - Multi Product: Multiple Offers - Base Directory: The URL where your lander will be hosted. (example

Now under the Landing Page section, choose Edit:

A basic lander requires two pages: Checkout and ThankYou.

With the Checkout Tab selected, click the green Create Page button:

Do the same with the Thank You tab:

Now click the Green Download Code button to download the lander package:

Unzip the package and place its contents in the deployment folder of your site.

With the files in place, open the config.php file located in the resources folder. You are going to edit the block of code at the very top of the file:

<?php KformConfig::setConfig(array( "isWordpress"=>false, "apiLoginId"=>"", "apiPassword"=>"", "authString"=>"f193e98f598bb4e808e973d5b84e7df9", "autoUpdate_allowedIps"=>array(""), "campaignId"=>1, "resourceDir"=>"resources/"));

Fill in these values with an Api user you have created under Admin | Users:

  • apiLoginId: User Name of Api User

  • apiPassword: Password of Api User

Sometimes it is necessary to add a page to a Lander you already have. To add a Upsale page, for example, edit the Lander, select the Upsell 1 tab and click the green Create Page button:

Notice: After adding any pages you need to redownload the lander package. Replace the config.php file on your server with the new config.php in the redownloaded package (making sure to re-enter your api credentials), and then upload any new pages in the package to your server.

Last updated