What are the technical differences between all page types?
Different page types are used for different functionalities.
Hence on intialization each page type may call diferent functions / set different session storage elements.
we can have a look at case wise description of functions called by each pageType.
On each page initialization will call these methods
Sometimes links can lead to a submit opearation, depending on the page type id different methods are called → // Lead page case 2: case "leadPage": case 15: importLead(linkId, route); // Checkout Page case 4: case "checkoutPage": importOrder(linkId, route); // Upsell Page case 3: case "upsellPage": importUpsale(linkId, route); default: setCurrentWindowLocation(route);
If the template is not a funnel template → // Presell page case 1: navigationFromPresell(targetPageType, route); break; // Lead page case 2: case "leadPage": case 15: importLead(linkId, route); // Checkout Page case 4: case "checkoutPage": importOrder(linkId, route); // Upsell Page case 3: case "upsellPage": importUpsale(linkId, route); default: setCurrentWindowLocation(route);
Some of the traits for components in the web builder are also visible depending upon the page type
We also have a list of blocks which are visible on each page here is the list of each page type and the blocks visible on them → testimonialElements : ["testimonial1", "testimonial2", "testimonial3", "testimonial4", "testimonial5", "testimonial6", "testimonial7"];
checkoutPageElements : ["twoStepCheckout", "checkoutForm", "onlyPaymentElement", "paymentElement", "shopifyElement", "shopifyElement2", "shopifyElement3", "shopifyAddress", "multiProductCheckout", "shoppingCart", "totalAmountCalc", "shippingPriceCalc", "paypalButton", "affirmButton", "klarnaButton", "sezzleButton", "afterpayButton", "grandTotalCalc", "paypalButton2", "totalDiscount", "totalSalesTax", "couponElement", "shipProfile", "btnGoogle1", "btnGoogle2", "btnAmazonGold", "btnAmazonLight", "btnAmazonDark", "btnApplePayWhite", "btnApplePayBlack", "squareElement", "paymentOption"];
thankYouPageElements : ["orderCostDetails", "billingDetails", "shippingDetails"]; leadPageElements : ["leadElementUserDetails", "leadElement1", "leadElement2", "leadVerticalUserDetails", "leadVerticalElement1", "leadVerticalElement2", "shopifyAddress", "shoppingCart"];
updateCardElements : ["onlyPaymentElement"];
productElements : [ "productCheckbox", "productRadioButtons", "orderBump", "orderBumpVariants", "productVariant1", "productVariant2", "variantBundle1", "variantBundle2", "productSelect", "productTile", "productTable"];
upsellElements : [ "productCheckbox", "productRadioButtons", "orderBump", "orderBumpVariants", "productVariant1", "productVariant2", "variantBundle1", "variantBundle2", "productSelect", "productTile", "productTable", "btnGoogle1", "btnGoogle2", "btnAmazonGold", "btnAmazonLight", "btnAmazonDark", "btnApplePayWhite", "btnApplePayBlack"];
shoppingCartElements : ["shoppingCart"];
catalogElements : ["productSelect", "productVariant1", "productVariant2", "variantBundle1", "variantBundle2"];
membershipPageElements : ["shipmentsTable"];
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