Make a button appear after a set amount of time

This article will show you how to make a button appear after your timer or video is complete


Step 1 - Navigate to the page in your funnel that you would like to add this functionality to

Step 2 - Drag Timer element onto the page and make format adjustments, found under the Extra elements

Step 3 - Click on newly placed Timer element to open element settings and adjust the timer length

Step 4 - Drag buttons onto the page and make format adjustments, found under Buttons elements

Step 5 - Click on newly placed buttons to set Fade In animation and appropriate delay

Step 6 - Save page and publish funnel to check your work


Step 1 - Navigate to the page in your funnel that you would like to add this functionality to

Step 2 - Drag Video element onto the page, found under the Basic elements

Step 3 - Click on newly placed video to open settings

  • Choose Provider and add source or video ID

  • Set to Autoplay

Step 4 - Drag buttons onto the page and make format adjustments, found under Buttons elements

Step 5 - Click on newly placed buttons to set Fade In animation and appropriate delay

  • For videos, we suggest setting the button delay to be a few seconds longer than your video

Step 6 - Save page and publish funnel to check your work

Last updated