Settings & Style Manager
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Coming Soon!
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Schedule Sales DemoSettings - each element has different settings
State - Choose state to determine when an element is styled, or which child elements are styled.
State - The default state will style the element chosen with no action
Hover - When the mouse is hovering over the element
Active - When an element has been selected
Even - Even numbered child elements
Odd - Odd numbered child elements
Dimension - Adjust the margins and padding of the element
Font - Easy to adjust the font type, color, size, etc
Border - Easy to adjust the border for the element
Background - Control the background style of the element
State - Choose state to determine when an element is styled, or which child elements are styled.
State - The default state will style the element chosen with no action
Hover - When the mouse is hovering over the element
Active - When an element has been selected
Even - Even numbered child elements
Odd - Odd numbered child elements
Size - Adjust the width and height
Spacing - Adjust the margin and padding
Font - Precise adjustments of the font including the type, color, etc
Border - Precise adjustments to the border for the element
Effects - Adjust the color, background, shadow, text shadow
Extra - Adjust the opacity of an element
Flex - Control flex properties of the element