PayPal Seamless Checkout
Last updated
Last updated
Authorization trials (such as Hold Trial Charge, Authorize and Void, etc.) are not supported through PayPal Seamless Checkout
“Security error: Security header is not valid” means you are using sandbox credentials against the live PayPal endpoint.
If you are wanting to integrate PayPal on the WithReach gateway, see here
Before beginning these steps you must register your PayPal account
Note: you can also select a WithReach gateway here. FraudNet, Venmo, and Pay Later are not valid on WithReach.
When checked, the Venmo and Buy Now Pay Later buttons automatically appear alongside the PayPal button.
Note: Using the Venmo and Pay Later options require the use of the Pay Pal button. These options will not display when using the Radio “payment_method” alternative.
Enter a Title and optionally add brandName.
secure3DS - Choose this option if accepting credit cards through PayPal and are in need of 3D Secure protection (Strong Customer Authentication)
force3DS - Check this box to require 3D Secure on all credit card payments. An unchecked box will use 3D Secure only when the issuing bank requires it.
useTestServer - use sandbox credentials to test the integration. Be sure this is unchecked for live processing. Using sandbox credentials on a live account will result in an error reading “Client Authentication failed”. See here for more details.
guestCheckout - Will redirect the customer to PayPal’s guest checkout page instead of the PayPal login page
referenceTransactions - Required if using PayPal for upsells and/or recurring billings
sendFulfillmentTrackingNumber - Send the tracking numbers for orders to PayPal
skipAddressNonShippable - If there are only digital products on an order then do not require selection of a delivery address at PayPal
Click “Save & Continue” when you are finished with the PayPal configuration.
Before saving, consider if you need to use Venmo, Pay Later, or FraudNet. Check the appropriate box as needed.
Venmo and Pay Later are supported only when referenceTransactions is disabled OR referenceTransactions and vaultEnabled are both enabled.
You cannot choose different payment types for checkout and upsells. For example, if a checkout is done on Venmo then the upsell must also be on Venmo.
Rebills are supported on Venmo when referenceTransactions and vaultEnabled are both enabled. Rebills are never supported on Pay Later.
There are 2 PayPal buttons from which to choose. The difference is style only. You can add multiple PayPal buttons to a page.
Step 6-1(button): Customize size of button by clicking on the button and dragging the highlighted corners or use Dimensions tab for advanced edits.
Step 6-1(radio): Add a radio button to the page. You may design this to your preference.
Step 6-2(radio): Select the radio button and change the settings so the Name is “payment_method”. This may also be used with the payment toggler by setting the name to “fk-payment-option-toggler“. Then set the Value of the radio button to the name of the pay source in all caps (CREDITCARD, PAYPAL, etc).
Use either all buttons or radios for pay source selection to mitigate any conflicts
If Reference Transactions is not enabled on your PayPal account, you can still use PayPal for upsells by redirecting the customer back to PayPal for each upsell.
CheckoutChamp knows if the customer paid with a credit card or PayPal on the initial sale and will process with the same payment method on the upsell pages. This means you don’t need to design your upsell pages any differently than they already are. Using your existing “Yes” button on the upsell pages, a PayPal customer will redirect to PayPal if the PayPal gateway added into CheckoutChamp does not have Reference Transactions enabled.