Enter your payment details once. Then checkout with just a click wherever Fastlane is available.
Last updated
Enter your payment details once. Then checkout with just a click wherever Fastlane is available.
Last updated
Go to funnel Settings > Merchant Accounts > choose the PayPal Commerce account. Enable referenceTransactions. Verify that vaultEnabled is enabled. These 2 options are required for Fastlane.
Fastlane is available for US customers only.
Reference transactions must also be enabled on your PayPal account. Please confirm with PayPal if this is unknown.
Go to any funnel. Settings > Payments > PayPal. Choose the PayPal Commerce gateway and enable Fastlane. Fastlane is compatible with the other PayPal setup options. Save.
There are 2 options for checkout page design. Explore carefully to choose the best option for you.
Fastlane requires customization of the checkout page. Choose our Fastlane checkout page template to obtain these customizations automatically. Make the modifications manually on all other checkout pages. If Fastlane is not working as expected then first verify each of these requirements is in place on the page.
PayPal can process direct credit cards in addition to venmo, pay later, and standard PayPal. If you use the PayPal gateway for direct credit card payments then you can save your customers an extra click with Fastlane. The Email Address input will be open for Fastlane on page load.
Place the Email Address input near the top of the page. This should come before address and phone.
Drag a Box element onto the page below Email Address. Set id=cc-fastlane-watermark. This element is used to show the Fastlane messaging.
Drag a standard button onto the page. Give it class cc-fastlane-profile. This button should be near Email Address. This button is used to trigger email lookup at Fastlane.
Find the shipping address inputs on the page. Find the parent element to those inputs. Drag a Box element onto the page just above the parent element (not inside the parent element). Give the box class cc-fastlane-shipping.
Add class cc-fastlane-member-hide to the parent element of shipping inputs, billing inputs, and any billShipSame checkbox. This is likely to be multiple elements. Add the class to each.
Remove any card inputs from the page (cardNumber, expiry month, and cardSecurityCode)
Drag a Box element onto the page where the card inputs previously existed. Set id=cc-fastlane-payment.
Find the Checkout button on the page. Add class cc-fastlane-submit to the button.
Exit the page builder
Publish the funnel
If you choose to process direct credit card payments with non-PayPal gateways then Fastlane becomes a checkout option for the consumer. This is similar to Klarna, Apple Pay, Google Pay, etc. This option involves an extra button click for the consumer to choose Fastlane.
Place a Fastlane button on the checkout page. Go to Blocks > Buttons > drag Fastlane to the page.
Place the Email Address input near the top of the page. This should come before address and phone.
Drag a Box element onto the page below Email Address. Set id=cc-fastlane-watermark. This element is used to show the Fastlane messaging.
Drag a standard button onto the page. Add class cc-fastlane-profile to the button. This button should be near Email Address. This button is used to trigger profile lookup at Fastlane once email is entered on the page.
Drag a second standard button onto the page. Add class cc-fastlane-cancel to the button. This button should be near Email Address and the button in step 4. This button is used to cancel Fastlane checkout.
Find the shipping address inputs on the page. Find the parent element to those inputs. Drag a Box element onto the page just above the parent element (not inside the parent element). Add class cc-fastlane-shipping to the box.
Add class cc-fastlane-member-hide to the parent of shipping inputs, billing inputs, and any billShipSame checkbox. This may be multiple elements. Add the class to each.
Clone (duplicate) the credit card payment option element
Set radio value to "PAYPAL_FASTLANE" for the cloned element
Add class cc-fastlane-show to the cloned element
Remove any card inputs from the cloned element (cardNumber, expiry month, and cardSecurityCode)
Drag a Box element inside the cloned element where the card inputs previously existed. Set id=cc-fastlane-payment.
Exit the page builder
On the arrow leaving the checkout page, choose the button suffixed with "-PAYPAL_FASTLANE" to route the Fastlane checkout.
Publish the funnel