Collapsible List / FAQ Section
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Coming Soon!
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There are two collapsible list blocks available. The difference between the two is the location of the dropdown icons (left or right). Functionally, they are the same.
To use the collapsible list to add an FAQ-style question and answer section to your pages. Simply drag the block onto the page and edit as needed. Click on the different text elements to type your own questions and answers (descriptions) and use the Font settings to style accordingly.
You may also change the open/close icons by clicking the icon and selecting a new icon from the Font Awesome icon selector. The top icon is the “open” icon. The bottom icon is the “close” icon.
Should you want one or more of the FAQs to be open by default, check the box for “Default Open” in the list settings. This would be set per FAQ.
To try different versions, go to the settings and change the type.
Please note: The FAQs/Collapsible Lists will always remain “open” inside the builder.