📰New Features!
Our new page editor contains everything you love about CheckoutChamp plus all of these new features
Streamlined UI/UX
Light and Dark modes
Absolute positioning of elements
Show relative positioning alignment and distances when dragging
Ability to overlap elements
Ability to group/ungroup elements
Ordering of absolutely positioned elements using Context Menu
Bring To Front
Send To Back
Bring Forward
Send Backward
Ability to switch between pages while in page editor (edit multiple pages in one page editor session)
Right-click to perform operations on an element
Edit Code
Hide on all devices
Move front and back, for overlapped absolute-positioned elements
Keyboard shortcuts
Delete (Delete / Backspace)
Duplicate (Ctrl D / Cmd (⌘) D)
Edit Code (Ctrl E / Cmd (⌘) E)
Undo (Ctrl Z / Cmd (⌘) Z)
Redo (Ctrl Y / Cmd (⌘) Y)
Close the code editor, popup manager, and color picker (Esc)
Context Menu
Open for the current selected element (Right-click)
Open for the last selected element (Shift + Right-click) - Helpful when there is less whitespace for the element to be right-clicked
Open browser default context menu (Ctrl + Right-click)
Improved Undo and Redo
Improved Layer Manager
Rename elements
Right-click inside Layer Manager to manage elements
Keyboard shortcuts
Wider Settings and Style Manager panel to be fully readable on desktop and laptop
Style Manager
Basic and Advanced tabs on Style Manager. Your preference is retained leaving the page editor.
Ability to change styles for even/odd elements
Simple toggle to hide elements on each device on Settings Manager
Ability to easily switch between sub-types of elements in Settings Manager
Testimonial (and maintains content when switching)
Order Bump
Variant Product Sections
Blocks, Settings, and Style Manager all sit on top of the page editor canvas and can be moved around for page visibility. The page encompasses the entire width of the monitor.
Preview in a new tab, with ability to switch between 5 device views
Product Sections - variants and images of the assigned product are visible in the editor
Color picker retains the previous 15 colors selected per user
Color picker contains the main site color (Coming Soon!)
Ability to multi-select elements and update styles for all
Ability to lock an element (settings and style and position)
Ability to view and edit code on an element
Improved code editor
Formatted and validated html and css
Expand html and css sections for readability
Full head and body sections in html
Group elements (Shift + Click or Ctrl + Click)
Icon selection moved from element to Settings Manager
Last updated