PAAY (Checkout Champ)
This article will provide instructions on how to enable PAAY on your Checkout Champ funnel.
Step 1: Activate PAAY Plugin to acquire PAAY key
Please view this article for more information
Step 2: Navigate to funnel within Checkout Champ and Edit the funnel’s settings
edit a funnel > Settings > Add Ons
Step 3: Enter PAAY API Key (acquired from PAAY plugin in Step 1)
PAAY Page Option - Choose to authenticate for Offers, Upsells, or Offers and Upsells
Fetch Rebill Parameters - Enable this option to authenticate your rebills (both offers and upsells)
Use Version 2.1 - Enable this option to use PAAY’s 2.1 3DS version
Step 4: Enter the page editor for a page, save, and then publish the funnel
Last updated